Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

The difference in quality has made a deep impression on parents and students when visiting VAS Hanoi for the first time


Many students happily shared that today was supposed to be a day for extra classes, but they asked their parents to let them visit VAS Hanoi to try out the school and see what makes it so appealing. The experience did not disappoint the students or their parents, as it provided interesting insights that can only be felt at VAS Hanoi. Students could enjoy enthusiastic, joyful, and dynamic lessons taught by both foreign and Vietnamese teachers. The teachers were incredibly friendly, and the lessons were captivating, allowing students to conduct experiments, in which they learnt how to search for and verify accurate information online, and play interactive word-guessing games. Even during lessons conducted entirely in English by foreign teachers, the students faced no difficulties, thanks to the support and assistance from the school 's older students.

Trial lesson of Science in Cambridge program
Global Perspectives (GP), Cambridge program

Another lasting impression was the delicious lunch, with nutritious dishes that perfectly matched the students ' tastes, making them thoroughly enjoy their meal.

At VAS Hanoi, they also had the opportunity to participate in various club activities, including basketball, soccer, art, STEM, and culinary arts.  To many students, it was their first time to learn how to prepare dishes like beefsteak and pan-seared salmon. The classroom was filled with the delightful aroma of spices  while the head chef was providing enthusiastic guidance.

Students eagerly try to control airplanes in STEM class
Enjoy delicious lunch buffet at VAS Hanoi

In just one day, the students had the chance to learn, play, and enjoy a variety of new and exciting experiences. Don’t miss the opportunity to become a true VASer and join VAS Hanoi in discovering even more amazing things!

VAS Hanoi News

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