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Facilities CSR International Staff School Calendar Secondary & High School Primary School Secondary & High school Senior School Clubs Student Council Elementary School Management Board Primary Preschool (Semi); International Program Preschool Cambridge Program Our Staff Overview Student Life News Admissions Curriculum VAS Hanoi Recruitment Gallery Pupman Senior School Pupman Primary School Time schedule Secondary & High school Primary Preschool Announcements

Secondary & High school

Parents of VAS Primary School, Hanoi experience the global classroom in the Cambridge Standard Program

Parents of VAS Primary School, Hanoi experience the global classroom in the Cambridge Standard Program


In order to help parents understand how children learn and the innovative teaching methods of teachers in the Cambridge international program, VAS Hanoi organised the Workshop "We are VASers - Inside a Global Classroom" for parents to experience the international learning environment of grade 1 and 2 through Math, Science, and English subjects. The “trial session” is prepared and taught by experienced teachers, bringing many unforgettable experiences to parents.
Science Discovery Day - From Cambridge program to practical experience

Science Discovery Day - From Cambridge program to practical experience


Grade 2 students of VAS Hanoi have just had an engaging and enjoyable day with activities of recycling and researching objects in the natural environment. This activity is part of the Science subject in the Cambridge program.
An exciting September Assembly with the “Love of Reading” activity

An exciting September Assembly with the “Love of Reading” activity


Each month, Vas Hanoi students eagerly await the school-wide assembly event with a special theme, to be listened to and recharged with more positive energy for the week. This September, international teachers chose "Love of Reading" as the main theme for the assembly.
`Cambridge Science` Learning about dinosaurs with Mr Kyle

`Cambridge Science` Learning about dinosaurs with Mr Kyle


Mr Kyle, the Science teacher and year 3 students have traveled in the time machine back 230 million years when the first dinosaurs evolved from reptiles.
An exchange with Japanese students

An exchange with Japanese students


To start the month of the integration, VAS Hanoi has welcomed Japanese students coming to visit our school.
The first day of the Saturday Club

The first day of the Saturday Club


VAS Hanoi has become a pre-school of choice for parents for their children because of the experienced teachers, dynamic programs and modern learning methods.
“Living Green”

“Living Green”


In November, VASers will run a program raising the awareness of students and staff about environmental protection.“Living Green”.
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