Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc Tin tức

"Multidimensional" lessons at VAS Hanoi


At VAS Hanoi, every lesson is a journey of discovery viewed through a multidimensional lens, inspiring students to explore diverse perspectives on a single subject.

Rather than simply receiving one-dimensional knowledge, VASers are encouraged to ask questions, think critically, and develop fresh, unique interpretations of their own.

Teachers act not only as instructors but also as guides and companions, ensuring that every student’s ideas are heard and valued. This approach plays a vital role in fostering multidimensional thinking, self-directed learning, and confidence, while nurturing a genuine eagerness to engage with every lesson.

Thanks to the dedication and creativity of the teaching staff, each lesson at VAS Hanoi transforms into a vibrant journey of exploration, instilling a lifelong passion for learning in every VASer.

The series of creative lessons at VAS Hanoi is designed to create a rich, experiential learning environment where students are not only inspired but also develop multidimensional thinking in each subject. Active learning and sustainable effectiveness are the educational goals that VAS Hanoi constantly strives to achieve.

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