Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc Tin tức

Một số cảm nhận về nước Úc


Phạm Minh Phương là một trong ba nữ sinh Việt-Úc Hà Nội tham gia chương trình trao đổi học sinh năm 2011 với trường đối tác PLC Sydney. Bạn chia sẻ vởi chúng ta một số cảm nhận về chuyến đi sang Úc trong dịp hè vừa qua...
Phạm Minh Phương là một trong ba nữ sinh Việt-Úc Hà Nội tham gia chương trình trao đổi học sinh năm 2011 với trường đối tác PLC Sydney. Bạn chia sẻ vởi chúng ta một số cảm nhận về chuyến đi sang Úc trong dịp hè vừa qua:

The exchange programme and study tour to Australia has brought many interesting live experience to me and my live has been changed, I had many new friends. New area has opened in my life.
I was awared that this is an important point in my lives as I reach maturity and look ahead to our future after school. I have enjoyed the opportunity to experience a new culture and to make friends with many international people. The other students come from other countries in the world and certainly they are proud to represent their country and to share the special features of their culture in Australia. I was very happy to make friends with them.

This journey helped me open my eyes and gave me a chance to visit many famous places in Australia. I have seen the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge which are famous symbols of this country. Moreover, I also visited the luxurious shops in the Queen Victoria Building, beautiful Bondi Beach and the Art Museum. I learnt about Australian animals at Tobruk Farm, Sydney Aquarium and Featherdale Wildlife Park Discovering so many new places and animals made me realize that my life is very small in the world. I hope to use my experiences to contribute to the community.

After staying here for 1 month, I have decided that I love this country and the people living here. For me, I feel that Australia has become my second home country. My dream is to return to study again in Australia. I hope that dream will one day become a reality. I realized that to make this dream come true, I must work harder than I ever have before, and I must not give up. I will try my best to keep walking forward.

The most valuable lesson I have drawn from studying abroad in Australia is to aim to succeed despite my fears. To be honest, I am very scared of heights and also frightened by the distance between success and failure. However, when I was on top of the very high Sydney Harbour Bridge, I was not frightened of falling and not frightened of failing. Instead, being there brought out a happy spirit within me; it made me realize that it is possible to overcome feelings of fright, and also that success is within reach.
This journey was a challenging as well as valuable experience. I realize that there will be many more challenges to face and overcome. It’s very important to not give up. I hope to return back to study in Australia in the near future.

Một số tấm ảnh của bạn Minh Phương chụp tại Úc:

Minh Phương đứng trước Harbour Bridge
Minh Phương và bạn chủ nhà trước Opera House
Minh Phương và một cô giáo trường PLC Sydney
Minh Phương và các nữ sinh trường PLC Sydney
Minh Phương và gia đình bạn chủ nhà

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