Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc

Trường Liên cấp Việt-Úc Tin tức

Trao đổi học sinh: Một góc nhìn mới


Hiện có 13 học sinh sang trao đổi tại trường PLC Sydney và Nguyễn Mai Anh là một trong số đó. Mai Anh, đến từ trường Phổ thông Việt-Úc Hà Nội, chia sẻ với chúng ta kinh nghiệm của bạn về nước Úc...
`i`Hiện có 13 học sinh sang trao đổi tại trường PLC Sydney và Nguyễn Mai Anh là một trong số đó. Mai Anh, đến từ trường Phổ thông Việt-Úc Hà Nội, chia sẻ với chúng ta kinh nghiệm của bạn về nước Úc qua một bài phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Anh. Bài phỏng vấn này được đăng trong `b`PLC Sydney Connections`/b`, bán nguyệt san của trường PLC Sydney, số 7, ngày 18 tháng 6 năm 2009.`/i``b`Nguồn:`/b` `URL=` PLC Sydney Connections, số 7 năm 2009, trang 2.`/URL`------------------------------------`b`EXCHANGE: A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE`/b``i`We hear a lot about what exchange is like for our students who travel overseas but what about the students who come to PLC Sydney from other countries? What is it like for them? There are currently thirteen exchange students at PLC Sydney and Nguyen Mai Anh is one of them. Mai Anh is from the Vietnam-Australia School, Hanoi and writes below about her experience of Australia so far.`/i``b`What was your first impression of Australia?`/b`Australia is such a beautiful country and the people are very friendly. I am looking forward to having a wonderful time in Australia.As PLC Sydney is well known as one of the best schools in Australia, I am lucky to have an opportunity to actually come here and gain some learning experience. It will be invaluable to me. I have a chance to build a solid foundation upon my skills and it will be very helpful for the next stage in my schooling.All the students are enthusiastic and sociable and I have made lots of new friends. I greatly appreciate the consideration my host family has shown to me.`b`What is your favourite Australian food?`/b`I’ve eaten some delicious dishes in Australia and I really love them. But I enjoy lamb and mashed potato the most.`b`Can you describe a few ways that high school education in Australia differs from high school education in Vietnam?`/b`The educational system in Vietnam is different from Australia. There are thirteen compulsory subjects at Vietnam-Australia School and I don’t have some subjects such as Drama, Visual Arts and Religion. I think that all the subjects at PLC Sydney are absolutely relevant to the real world.All the classes start at 8 am and finish at 4 pm and I don’t have recess but there is a five or ten minute break between each lesson.`b`What has been the highlight of your stay so far?`/b`Last weekend I went to the Kangaroo Valley and enjoyed the trip to the fullest. I bought lots of souvenirs for my family and had a chance to explore new things about Australia’s culture, tradition and people. I also went to a farm and experienced the simple but busy life there. The most interesting thing that I have learnt is how to drive a motorbike and I saw two kangaroos.`b`What will you miss when you go home?`/b`I will miss all the teachers, my wonderful friends and my host family. They have made a deep impression on me and I will never forget these beautiful memories. `b`Can you think of one word to sum up your experience of PLC Sydney?`/b`Valuable.

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